well, I was really looking forward to this weekends VHF test and getting
to use my new 7 el and SB220 King conversion KW for the first time. I
thought that since the coax coming from the rig and also going from the
220 to outdoors was really old that perhaps i should replace it. So I
ordered two pre-made pieces of LMR 400 to replace the old coax. Got home
this afternoon and started the process to snake them thru and hooked up.
hooked up the antenna and came back in to try it out! Perfect for one
second and then the SWR went to infinity. Bummer, my first thought is
the coax connection at the jumper on top of the tower. So I made two
trips up the tower with my bum knee, finally switched the coax coming
down thinking that the other was bad. No delight! So I hooked up the
KT36 in place and SWR is still infinity so it is not the tower coax or
antenna... now I am thinking the new coax might be bad but before I put
the old back in place i decided to bypass the 220... Bingo... SWR is now
1:1. The 220 was never turned on and it should be a straight connection
thru it! So what in the world could be causing that problem? I am not
going to try to solve it before the contest so I will be low power after
all. I hate these puzzles! C ya all this week end! 73's Cort K4WI
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