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[TRLog] TR RTTY - can't transmit message buffers

Subject: [TRLog] TR RTTY - can't transmit message buffers
From: (VR2BrettGraham)
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 22:34:36 +0000
K4RO wrote:

> > That is why it is necessary to set:
> >
> > rtty send string = tc<0D>x<0D>
> >
> > So as to clear the transmit buffer of whatever it is that the PK232 
> thinks it
> > got from TR after the ^D to put it back into receive.
>Thanks again for the info.
>I changed the string to "tc<0D>x<0D>" and it still says
><^D^D>cmd:*** Transmit data remaining
>whenever I use the F10 key to converse in RTTY.
>I apparently still don't have something set right
>Here are my settings:
>rtty send string = tc<0D>x<0D>
>rtty receive string = <04>

Sorry, I guess I didn't make myself clear - that doesn't stop the
PK232 from thinking there is something left in its buffer - it just
makes sure that what is in the buffer gets cleared before going
into transmit the next time (TC = transmit buffer clear for PK232).

>The F-keys work very well, and I definately like
>using TR for casual RTTY DXing. I especially like
>the "reverse" display at the bottom of the screen.
>I might try it in the RTTY Sprint this weekend if
>I can get confident enough.
>Now if I can just figure out why F10 isn't working...

I will send you my cq02tty.cfg file directly - it's too early for me to
be thinking this morning, but perhaps the file will help...

73, BW2/VR2BrettGraham

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