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[TenTec] Low power output on Argonaut V

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Low power output on Argonaut V
From: pgardella@yahoo.com (Patrick Gardella)
Date: Sun Jul 13 16:07:31 2003
Thanks to all who responded (George W5YR, Bill K6WLM, Dave VE1ADH, Gary AA2IZ, 
Stuart K5KVH)!  
After a family vacation to Southern California, and a quick stop at HRO in 
Anaheim, I've tested my
rig, and the problem was in fact a bad jumper.  I switched it out, and how have 
full power on all
bands.  Check the obvious and cheap first. :)

See you on the bands!

Patrick N3EO

--- Wj5mh@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/29/2003 11:45:49 AM Central Standard Time, 
> ghoffman@spacetech.com writes:
> > I'd start by assuming the internal meter is correct, and look for a bad
> > connection between the radio and the external tuner, power meter, etc.
> > 
> > 73 de Gary, AA2IZ
> > 
> Amen...  Check the obvious first.  Connect a borrowed (stand alone) dummy 
> load directly to the Argonaut V output through a short, known good, newly 
> built, 
> 50 ohm coax jumper, and see what the rig's meter reads.
> You didn't say what tuner you were using, but many have problems with cheap 
> female coax connectors.  Also, your coax jumper may be defective (ground not 
> connected).  Remember, you're external swr indicator is at the end of the 
> jumper 
> inside the tuner.
> Good luck.
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