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Topband: 160M "switch effect" from Uganda

To: <>
Subject: Topband: 160M "switch effect" from Uganda
From: "Terry Wassell" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 02:29:58 +0100
List-post: <>
The "on / off " switch effect was noticeable in my 160M operations from Uganda 
last November and December.   Openings were not very long, and would appear 
suddenly and end suddenly.  I did not experience any sort of "illumination" of 
all of North 
America type effect. It seemed that signals started with QSOs from the North 
East and then moved West and South.    I only made 19 W / VE QSOs, and only as 
far West as Illinois, with my 100 Watts and a simple, poor antenna.   CQWW CW 
was not favorable for me to make 160M QSO's. Although I copied KV4FZ, I could 
not be heard.  Sunrise in Uganda was not favorable and I only found NA 
propagation about 20 minutes before or after 0100Z (3am local time).  Often 
thunderstorms would occur early morning just before sunrise.   I spent a good 
bit of time trying with only little success - I tried every way to pull signals 
from my little IC-706.  Often I could only get partial callsigns.   My final 
QSO on the day I had to leave was a real thrill,   A45XR answered my CQ on 1828 
Kc.  After that, I had to tear down and get ready for my departure flight.   
160M from Africa is a very interesting experience.  I wish I had kept more 
detailed reports and notes about propagation.   I'm not so sure about the 
"ducting" phenomena, but it makes for interesting reading and entertaining food 
for thought.   

73,    5X1X   K3JT.

PS.  Still hoping to make the 3B9C QSO on 160M.  I have made contacts on all 
other bands 10 - 80 M.
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