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Re: Topband: Boring Report

Subject: Re: Topband: Boring Report
From: Bill Cromwell <>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 10:48:16 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 12/24/2013 09:52 AM, Tree wrote:
After about two years of no QSOs with Europe - the band started showing
signs of life a few nights ago.  Over the past three days - I have made six
QSOs with Europe. Last night - some of the signals were pretty
encouraging.  9A5CW was getting copied by my K3's CW decoder occasionally.
S51V showed up with an amazing signal around 0600Z which I initially
thought had to be from North America.

Hopefully - this is a sign that conditions will be good for the Stew Perry
contest coming up this Saturday.

Here is that link for the rules again -

73 Tree N6TR/7
Boring, OR


I sure hope so. When I set out to recap the power supplies in my DX-100 I waded into a huge *mess*. The power supplies are good now but other portions of the ancient rig are not so good. I have a reasonable signal at QRP levels (around 8 watts) from a pair of 2E26s where the 6146s used to live. The plate supply has been rerouted to the low voltage power supply and the negative bias for the 6146s NOT reduced for the 2E26s. I have full break-in QSK now (a silver lining in a very dark cloud). If the propagation faeries are playing on top band that will help me a lot!

I might have a different transmitter working on top band in two or three weeks and then I'm pretty much stripping the DX-100 down for cleanup and a rebuild with a big sack of new parts and wire. Band-aids and cold patch just ain't doing any good any more.


Bill  KU8H

See you in the Stew (even if you don't see me)
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