Many topband operators had at least one QSO with the Scout Amateur
Radio Club station 3V8SF this season thanks to the efforts of ARAT,
the Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens and their president
The Tunisian government has imposed a new transmitter conformity
testing requirement on top of their already very expensive amateur
radio licensing fees.
Keeping Tunisia on the air will be expensive, 2000 Euros in licensing
fees and 1000 Euros in one time transmitter conformity testing fees.
You can thank the ARAT members for their topband activity this
season and keep them on the air in the future if you can make
a donation to ARAT. Its very easy donate via PayPal to their QSL
Manager LX1NO's Paypal account:
See ARAT President KF5EYY's request and details below.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ashraf Chaabane" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2019 9:52:12 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [The Weekly DX] 3V-Tunisia, call for support
Many thanks for your support, Frank, on behalf of ARAT members!
73 Ash 3V8SF, 3V8SS
----- Original Message -----
The "Association des Radio Amateurs Tunisiens - ARAT", created back in 2011
after the Jasmin Revolution, has demonstrated a satisfactory level of serving
Tunisian radio amateurs and promoting the hobby in Tunisia (See our website: or our Facebook Page: ). The work that has been done so far
was mainly funded by ARAT members (average age 22 years old) and other
organizations like YASME (YOTA Activity) or IARU-R1/STARS (ARDF Equipment).
Contrarily to other countries in the region, ARAT is not receiving ANY
financial support from the government especially in these hard times of very
bad economy.
ARAT has a cooperation agreement with the Scout Organization which allows
access to thousands of young scouts and provide a good terrain for developing
our hobby. Right now, the licenses of the Scout clubs haven't been paid for 10
years putting the clubs at serious risk of closure and 3V not being on the air
for an unknown period. Amateur Radio is a very small part of Tunisian Scouts
activities which is already having financial difficulties. Last year, the
Ministry of Telecommunication asked us to pass all our equipment to a
conformity test. This won't also be possible without raising funds.
ARAT is now kindly asking all those who want to support us, to make a donation
to fund license payments (A total of 2 kEuro, 9 stations) and the conformity
test of our equipment (about 1 kEuro, 100 Euro per TRX, once in life). Any
other remaining monies will help financing ARAT activities such as maintaining
clubs equipment, antenna experimentation, electronic kits building, lectures in
universities, etc.
ARAT is committed to provide those who donated with a detailed financial report
of where the money went including all back-up documents as we always did with
YASME. ARAT is also committed to respond to any query in this regards in full
Donations should go to the Paypal account of our QSL Manager LX1NO ( ) to avoid big tax cuts if sent directly to Tunisia. Those who
do not have a Paypal account, may send an email to Norby LX1NO to inquire for
his bank account.
If any further clarification is needed, please email me at
73 from Tunisia!
President of ARAT
Ashraf Chaabane, KF5EYY
3V8SF, 3V8SS
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