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[Towertalk] near tradedy

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] near tradedy
From: (Peter Larsen)
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 08:20:12 -0700
>I cringe when I see or hear of people using surplus lineman's pole climbing
>and free climbing a tower!

Why would you cringe at people using lineman's pole climbing belts?
They are made to keep people on a wood pole, which is far more
dangerous than a tower. (As I am a lineman, I think I state that
with some confidence.)

OK, I can understand about you not liking the idea of
free climbing, but I do it to the 72 foot level of my
tower all the time. Will I become a statistic? I don't think so,
but I have made my living out of climbing things. I know when to take
precautions and how to climb safely. Compare 100+ poles a week to
one tower once a year (maybe less) and I think you will see
my point.

BTW I use a "Buckingham" Back-saver as my main climbing belt.
I also inspect all of my climbing partners equipment before I climb
with them.
I have taken away some gear from my friends and replaced it with
new gear rather than let them climb with wore out equipment.

See you later.

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