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[Towertalk] antenna help/suggestions wanted

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] antenna help/suggestions wanted
From: (
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 14:06:19 EDT
   I am in the process of looking at some antennas to get back on HF after 
several years hiatus.  I am more interested in later versions of trapless 
tribanders ala Force 12 etc, than older TH7 trapped versions if possible. My 
question is this.....Do all of these newer designs lend themselves to being 
"sidemounted", either directly on the side of the tower ( for a rotating 
tower configuration), or "sidemounted" with  the rotator outside the tower, 
or even TICring setups???  Just looking at some literature online, its 
impossible to  tell if they are made with enough spacing between elements to 
allow for mounting on the side of Rohn 25 or Rohn 45 without element 
interference sabatoging performance. I am considering Force12 C3 types, and 
C31XR, and maybe the 40m variations.  Also I am not limiting the choice to 
Force 12....any later model trapless tri/multiband antenna that excels will 
be considered.
  Any ideas?  experiences? cautions? pitfalls?
  Thanks in advance.
  73  Bob  '4t

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