My tower is currently stripped of all antennas and rotator. This may be =
the time to put my tower/ antenna system in first class shape before =
the cold Wisconsin winter).
I have had a Tri - Ex LM -354 (non motorized and does NOT have positive =
pull down) up since 1979 (I bought the tower used which was about 3 =
years old at the time).
A few questions:
Should I replace the cabling now? (I hear plenty of horror stories about =
cables breaking but quite honestly other than some surface rust the =
cable appears ok... no strands broken, no kinking etc).
If I do recable... where do I get the cable, how long of a cable to get, =
do I get stainless steel, do I stay with the diameter of the original =
cable or get something larger? do I need special crimping tools, if so =
where would I get these tools? Does anyone or company in the Milwaukee =
area recable towers professionally?
Are there other considerations to consider. Since I've never done this =
before do I run the risk of screwing up the professional cabling job of =
the manufacturer by trying it myself. (i.e. how easy or difficult to do =
and any special skills needed here?).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Noll W9RN
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