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[Towertalk] Lighting Protection and Roof Towers

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] Lighting Protection and Roof Towers
From: (Red)
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:36:59 -0600
It sure is!  As is the other side of the dipole.  Some advocate an 
inductor between the two parts of a dipole to prevent static buildup 
between them and to facilitate designing a system to protect the house 
and equipment from lightning strikes on dipoles.

73 de WOØW

Mark Beckwith wrote:

>>if you
>>can make your antenna/tower look as much like ground as possible and
>>any charge from building up on it, you are less likely to take a strike.
>Does this mean that the side of a high dipole which is connected to the
>center conductor is a target?
>Mark, N5OT
>AN Wireless Self Supporting Towers at discounted prices, 
>Wireless Weather Stations now $349.95. Call Toll Free, 
>888-333-9041 for additional information.
>Towertalk mailing list

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