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[TowerTalk] Baluns

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Baluns
From: "David Knepper" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 07:18:30 -0500
List-post: <>
I would like to know how to construct a light weight balun for my Wilson
beam (20,15,10 meters).  Coax or ferrite?

1.  How do I go about attaching the balun to the mast or boom?  Where is the
best location?

2.  How far away from the mast or boom should the balun be placed to avoid
any detuning?

3.  I have been told that PVC absorbs R.F.?  Should I be using some other
material to wind the coax on?

4.  What type of coax should be used for if I am feeding the beam with 1 KW?

5. And, finally, should the balun be encased in some kind of waterproof
container?  What kind of?

Thank you and Happy Holidays

Dave, W3ST
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
Publisher of the Collins Journal

Dave, W3ST
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association
Publisher of the Collins Journal


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