I've got my KT34-A antenna completely disassembled and cleaned. But
before I start reassembly, I thought I'd check to see if there is a
later version of the manual than the (latest) one I have.
I have two copies of the KT34-A manual, the latest is dated 10/24/83.
The other manual I have is dated 1980. There are minor spacing and
element length changes in the 83 manual. Does anyone have a later
version of the KT34-A manual? NOT the KT34-XA manual.
I've called M2 and although they are extremely helpful, this is the
latest manual they have for the KT34-A. They do admit that there may be
later versions, but they don't have them.
Any comments/thoughts would be appreciated.
Bill Turini (425) 787-4477
IT & Facilities Manager
Cypress Semiconductor Lynnwood, WA 98037
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