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[TowerTalk] question about Tailtwister drift off north!

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] question about Tailtwister drift off north!
From: "Van K7VS" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 19:24:31 -0700
List-post: <">>
I have everything up there drilled and bolted so quite sure its not the mast 
or rotator or antenna  turning in the wind.

BUT I recently dropped the antenna over to do some work (tubular tower) and 
noticed that the antenna which was not centered to the ground when the the 
tower was cranked down horizontal to the ground and heard the rotator gears 
moving and watched the antenna as it rotated and centered itself.  The 
rotator power was on when this happened.  But on the other hand I can 
actually hear the wedge brake pull in and out when I move the antenna when 
its in the normal operating position with the rotor control!

Any thoughts about what my problem might be?   Someone mentioned when I had 
it apart a couple of years ago to relub and clean that one had to be very 
careful that the wedge was not put in upside down.  Could that be my 
problem?  Does my problem make any sense to someone out there?  Thank you. 
Van, K7VS 

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