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[TowerTalk] gem quad

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] gem quad
From: "Mark Mellish" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 19:59:15 -0700
List-post: <">>
     I've had a 5 band Gem Quad, (6 bands if you count  2 meters) up at 48' for 
about 12 years.  It has been a very good performer.  It is very light weight 
with a small wind load.  I ran all 5 bands into a balun and one coax.  It was a 
chore to get up my tower with 3 sets of guys.  I put a pulley at the top, 
assembled it around the base of the tower, dropped the guys, and hauled it up.  
Afterwards, I tightened the guys, climbed up and hooked it all up.
     It didn't tune up very well using the single feedline, but once I quit 
obsessing about it and used the tuner, I have been very pleased.  I think it is 
definitely better than the average tribander and has 12 and 17 meters too. It 
has stood up to the weather here 40 miles east of Vancouver quite well.  I am 
in the process of putting up a SteppIR 4 el on a T400 Trylon, but the Gem Quad 
costs a small fraction of the cost of the Steppir, and requires a much less 
robust tower.
     I would buy another Gem Quad.  de Mark, VE7YMM

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