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Re: [TowerTalk] Electric foldover winch

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Electric foldover winch
From: Jon Pearl - W4ABC <>
Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 19:22:53 -0500
List-post: <">>
Thanks for the post, Mike.

I stand corrected.  I've seen that site before.  It's a great means of 
precisely controlling the movement of the tower without a concern about 
a cable snapping but boy, that's a lot of tower hanging off of that worm 


Jon Pearl - W4ABC

On 12/7/2011 5:36 PM, Mike wrote:
> Interesting scheme for a foldover.
> 73, Mike NF4L
> On 12/7/2011 12:46 PM, Jon Pearl - W4ABC wrote:
>> Hi Joe.
>> While a few of us have removed and totally replaced our up/dn hand winch
>> with an electric but I'm not sure I've ever cataloged anyone replacing
>> their fold over winch.  I'm sure that there's one or two out there,
>> though.  Joe, WD0M shows how he folds his tower over with an electric
>> drill on his page at
>> I can attest to the fact that this does in-fact work as I've done it
>> myself with a 1/2" Milwaukee hammer drill and socket drive adapter on my
>> TX-455.  Folding the tower over is a one hand operation.  Getting it
>> back up in the air takes a bit more ooomph to hold onto the drill.
>> Switching to a worm-gear drive would probably make this affair a bit
>> more palatable for the electric drill -
>> I can only imagine that utilizing this method with a TX-472 would be
>> large undertaking when going from horizontal, back up to vertical.
>> In the event that you are interested in something of a more permanent
>> nature there may be an idea or two for you here:
>> 73,
>> Jon Pearl - W4ABC
>> On 12/7/2011 10:06 AM, KC2TN wrote:
>>> Has anyone replaced the hand crank on their foldover tower with an electric 
>>> version?
>>> I have a new TX472MDP from US Tower and am thinking of replacing the stock 
>>> "Foldover Raising" winch.
>>> Thanks, Joe KC2TN
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Dec 7, 2011, at 12:48 AM, Jon Pearl - W4ABC<>    
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike.
>>>> The Fulton K1550 will probably work nicely in your 'tilt' application.
>>>> Some folks have been known to swap out their weather beat and worn K1550
>>>> with the heftier K2550 for hoisting the larger 'plus' sized towers in
>>>> the 'up/down' application:
>>>> As to a pulley for the top of your post, a good source for off the shelf
>>>> configurations that might work for you can probably be had from any of
>>>> the boat hoist manufactures such as the 560X depicted on this page:
>>>> 73,
>>>> Jon Pearl - W4ABC
>>>> On 12/6/2011 10:26 PM, Michael Goins wrote:
>>>>> Have a HG-52-SS here destined to have a two el quad on it soon. When fully
>>>>> nested, it is about 22 feet tall and if I remember correctly, the weight 
>>>>> is
>>>>> around 450 pounds (plus rotor and quad).
>>>>> I want to be able to tip it over by removing the top bolts on two legs and
>>>>> both on the remaining one, thus using the remaining two lower front bolts
>>>>> as a pivot (this is the factory recommended base and it solid at 5 feet
>>>>> deep.
>>>>> I have a solid power pole I plan to use as the winch pole and it will be
>>>>> located about 6 feet behind the tower. I'm trying to determine the cut-off
>>>>> (out of ground) height I need for the tiltover pole (about 6-10 feet is a
>>>>> guess) and more especially, the rating of a winch/suggested type to handle
>>>>> the lowering of the tower. Also looking for a pully to mount on top of the
>>>>> pole for the winch to ride over going to the tower.
>>>>> At 62, I don't plan to do a lot of climbing any more and I'm trying to set
>>>>> this up so that the quad can be maintained fairly easily. If anyone has
>>>>> done something similar, I sure would like to hear from you off list. 
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Mike, k5wmg

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