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[TowerTalk] Bulkhead adaptors

Subject: [TowerTalk] Bulkhead adaptors
From: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 14:02:20 +0100
List-post: <">>
Good afternoon,

I am in process of planning cable runs from the tower to the shack, with
the cable screens bonded to a ground plate at the tower base and again at
an external grounded copper plate mounted on a short post prior to entry
into the shack.

I recall that in the past, PL259 back to back female bulkhead adaptors
were available with a large hexagonal flange as an integral part of their
body manufacture, you simply drilled a hole in a bulkhead, passed the
adaptor through, up to the fix hexagonal flange, and placed a suitably
sized nut on the thread, on the other side of the bulkhead, and tightened
it up.

I have made enquiries, looked through catalogues, lists etc. but such
adaptors appear to be no longer available, certainly in the UK. I have
need of 12 such bulkhead adaptors, if anyone knows the manufacturer or can
point me to a source.

73, John G3JVC/GM3JVC.


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