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Re: [TowerTalk] rotating tower or stack : rpm

To: Richard Riley <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] rotating tower or stack : rpm
From: John Simmons <>
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2017 12:04:24 -0500
List-post: <>

While I don't have a stack, I have used the same TailTwister rotor since 1985 without it requiring service with a 34' boot yagi. As many know, the T2X has a manual soft stop mechanism operated from the control box which allows the rotor to coast to a stop before the brake is engaged. It has worked flawlessly for me for 30+ years. If the rotor motor is not over-powered, the normal inertia of the array combined with the motor spool-up will provide adequate soft start performance. Although it requires manual dexterity and is prone to operator error, I like the T2X system for soft stop. Various electronic soft stop mods have been around for the control box for years and would be a good idea, too. Operation is very simple: delay the application of the brake for several seconds after power is removed from the motor. Take your choice of implementation: manual, cap/resistor combination or 555 timer circuit (or some other timer). Use the KISS principle!

-John NI0K

Richard Riley <>
Wednesday, October 04, 2017 11:54 AM
Hi guys,

my previous post (reference soft-start and frequency regulation of motor on a rotating tower) drew no responses :( :(... I'll try it from another angle. I'm about to erect 102ft of 20inch- to- a-side, triangular rotating tower (loaded with 12-15m boomed monobanders from 40-10) on a 3 phase motor, with a projected speed of 1rpm..and am concerned about the potential for start/stop stress.

You have a large stack or a rotating tower.

How fast does it rotate?

Have you employed a soft-start-stop system to prevent mechanical shock?

If so, what did you choose?

Your input appreciated!

73 9a1tt

Richard Riley

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