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[TowerTalk] 40 meter rotatable diple

To:, terry burge <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] 40 meter rotatable diple
From: terry burge <>
Reply-to: terry burge <>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2018 12:22:11 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <>
I have reconstructed my 40 meter rotatable dipole starting with 2", 1.75" and 
1.50" thick wall and then using the thin wall 1.250", 1.125", 1.00" on down. To 
shorten the dipole I have a couple of 1" X 1" x 0.125" aluminum angle I could 
use for capacitance hats. What is the effect of mounting the capacitance hats 
at  a distance of 17' out on each half compared to say 25-32' out? Would 
someone have done this and got some idea of lengths needed to resonate near 
7150 Khz? Also going to have vertical and horizontal dual trusses to make it 
that much stronger. Dipping it in will be the 'got-ya' I'm hoping to ease for 
the guy up on the top of the tower? Will set it up on a pole to get near 
resonance before the raising. Also thinking about adding a 10.15 Mhz wire 
dipole under the 40 meter fed from the same Comtek balun.




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