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[TowerTalk] Wire antennas

Subject: [TowerTalk] Wire antennas
From: Kelly Taylor <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 19:32:53 -0500
List-post: <>
Hi all,

Looks like I might finally get my tower up at the cottage this year, but in the 
interim, I’m looking at/for some ideas on improving station performance. 

Antennas now include a delta loop for 20m 15 feet off ground and a Carolina 
windom at 31 feet. The arborial gods haven’t granted VE4 redwoods or tall 
Georgia pines, so height will always be a problem. The delta loop isn’t 
remarkably better than the windom. 

I don’t regret buying the windom, despite Jim’s well-stated and quite accurate 
objections to OCF feed systems. Even with bonding being an in-progress 
situation, RFI and RF haven’t been an issue, even with only 20 feet separation 
of antennas and sat dish. It’s been an OK way of getting on the air, though the 
marketing certainly provides insight into why such antennas are so easily sold: 
people see what they want to see. 

Some of my ideas include:
1. 20-m vertical beam, using an aluminum driven and two Spiderbeam-style 
passive elements of wire. Choked feedpoint with cable running away at 90 
degrees. It would point towards the Ohio-Virginia, for SS primarily. Other 
directions would settle for the windom. 

2. Getting resonant, choked dipoles as high as possible and in the clear. Maybe 
even a fan dipole. 

3. A variation on Belrose’s half-delta loop for 80. 

Anyone have any thoughts?

73, kelly, ve4xt 

Sent from my iPhone

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