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[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz stuff

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 MHz stuff
From: Howard Reynolds <wa3eoq@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 11:21:18 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Didn't get on until 9PM local on Tuesday so missed several regulars.  Weird
condx with VE3KG.  He was solid Q5 when he was working W8ZN, but Terry
obviously wasn't hearing Dave as Terry doubled with him when Dave was still
transmitting.  Seems that they finally connected.  However, when I tried
with VE3KG a little later, zip on both ends though I did hear bits and
pieces of him.  First time we tried and did not connect.

QRO is not really necessary, just a little patience and a sensitive receive
set-up (antenna mounted preamp, etc).  Sequencing works really well so
you're not transmitting over each other.  The QSB will eventually come to
your rescue, though my tries with AJ6T haven't worked yet - hi.  Get on the
ON4KST chat board and pick out a station beyond your perceived limit; you
may be surprised.

AU a few weekends ago:  With my 100 watts, I was able to work 16 stations
on 2m. From next door (K8RYU - EM99) to all over New England, Ontario,
Detroit area and west to EN52.  The crowning touch was KM0T in EN13 on 222
MHz; one of the 5 stations I worked on that band.  Others were K8BB EN82,
K1WHS FN43, K9MRI EN70 and the close-in DX of K8RYU in EM99.  Really
thought AJ6T and I would finally work, but it just didn't happen with
several tries.
WA3EOQ in FM09
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