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[WriteLog] MMTTY Plug-In -- TNC Settings dialog

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] MMTTY Plug-In -- TNC Settings dialog
From: don.wsixffh@verizon.net (Donald Eriksen)
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 21:29:15 -0700
Wow! Thanks for this one, Jon. I was just about to jump on the reflector and
ask "how the heck can I get rid of the MMTTY Control Panel and just see the
three displays". It took up far too much real estate with the Panel on. Good

Don Eriksen   don.wsixffh@verizon.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Harder" <jon@praxisworks.org>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 12:20 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] MMTTY Plug-In -- TNC Settings dialog

> The MMTTY Control Window can be set to show only the FFT
> and Scope displays by going in the RttyRite window menu to TU Type, then
> TNC Settings and unchecking both boxes.  It's a real space-saver.  Also
> that in the same spot there's a conventient push button to open the MMTTY
> Settings dialog tabs within RtyyRite.   Now if we could just find a way to
> keep the tuning window from always staying on top ....?
> TNC Settings is easily overlooked the first time around, but after the
> plug-in is selected it's worth going back to see the options there.
> de Jon         K1US
> --
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