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Re: [WriteLog] Wave file info needed

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Wave file info needed
From: "Gary Senesac AL9A" <al9a@pobox.mtaonline.net>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 13:30:59 -0900
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Don't erase or uninstall anything yet.  That is always an option, but let's 
try a few things first.

Are you trying to send a wav audio file with one of the function keys as 
Eric seems to think?  I guess I'm not sure.  I'm assuming the error message 
shows up when you start WL.  If so, then I still think your problem is 
associated with the path name needed to create a contest recording file. 
The part of the error message that says "Can't set wave file recording..." 
seems to indicate WL is trying to find a path for the recording that isn't 
working.  After changing the path in the writelog.ini file and starting WL, 
did the error message change at all or is it still the same?  The  path 
"C:\WriteLog file\Programs\ham\AudioRecording" is not exactly what I sent 
you - did you add it to the writelog.ini file?  If not, where did you put 

You say you first installed WL on the C drive - where exactly?  What is the 
path that leads to the writelog.exe file that starts the program?   Most 
installs are done to the Program Files directory, but that is merely a 
convention.  Same with the 'ham' directory.  Many moons ago this was the 
recommended folder name to install the WL programs into.  It doesn't have to 
be that exactly, but whatever path is used to start your program must be 
used to find the AudioRecording folder.

See if you can let me know the path name to your WL program, wherever it's 
installed and we'll go from there.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Gary Senesac AL9A" <al9a@pobox.mtaonline.net>; 
<writelog@contesting.com>; "Eric - VE3GSI" <ve3gsi@sympatico.ca>
Sent: February 08, 2007 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Wave file info needed

>I surely appreciate Gary and Eric's attempt to help but no progress yet.
> First the 'Continuously Record Audio to file' button was not checked. No
> file like 'AudioRecording' could be found, so per instructions added
>       "C:\WriteLog file\Programs\ham\AudioRecording"
> since this is where the ini said the location was. Putting in that 'ham'
> makes me nervous since I don't know why. Anyway I still get the same 
> 'can't
> record' message of course.
> Now when I first went to WriteLog I was even more PC hostile and dense 
> than
> now, and I installed it right on the C-drive. I don't remember there being
> any 'ham' folder back then like I see must be in common use now. I have 
> had
> a couple of cases where I could not successfully install a contest, the 
> Reunion being one I remember.  Should I 'erase and start over'??
> 73,  Jim  w3cp

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