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Total 317 documents matching your query.

281. Re: [TenTec] Yep -- Omni VII (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 20:46:06 -0400
Now that the announcement of the Omni 7 has been made, I wonder if this is going to surpress the sales of the Orion 2, or at least delay purchases while everybody takes a closer look at what could be
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00144.html (9,433 bytes)

282. Re: [TenTec] New OMNI VII (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 17:00:02 -0400
There seems to be quite a bit of general interest in the Omni 7 from non-Ten Tec purchasers. I hear them talking on the air and even though they have no Ten Tec gear at present, they seem to like the
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00184.html (8,657 bytes)

283. [TenTec] Omni VII Pics (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 09:30:52 -0400
Ken, N9VV, has posted pictures of the new Omni VII on his website. http://www.n9vv.com/hamradio.html Or you can go to the Yahoo.com website for these pictures which are posted there now. http://group
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00253.html (7,289 bytes)

284. Re: [TenTec] Omni VII Pics (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 10:00:19 -0400
Click on the picture of the rig and then scroll down for his impressions. Toby W4CAK _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list TenTec@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00257.html (8,765 bytes)

285. Re: [TenTec] Omni VII Pics (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 10:11:15 -0400
Carter, When I click on the picture there are also additional pictures of Jack Burchfield and two shots of the audience listening to his lecture plus a description by Ken of his first impressions. I
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00259.html (9,172 bytes)

286. [TenTec] Can't Take It Anymore (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 09:31:55 -0400
Rich, N7MBX wrote........... The constant harangue on this reflector is deafening...and now there's ragging on a radio that hasn't even hit the market This is indeed very curious, as I have been read
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00302.html (7,899 bytes)

287. [TenTec] Can't take It Any More (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 17:21:37 -0400
Jerry, KG6TT wrote....... Oh lastly, as there are actual "Orion" specific groups/reflectors available can't we discipline ourselves to nitpick the Orion series there and leave this reflector to those
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00311.html (7,661 bytes)

288. Re: [TenTec] Omni VII SORRY I JUST CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!! (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 23:49:02 -0400
Richy, N2ZD, Wrote........ You couldnt be more right, these complainers should spend more time on the air getting aquainted with their rigs instead of sitting here bashing them......... Interesting c
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00410.html (10,626 bytes)

289. [TenTec] For Sale Omni 6+ / Matching Power Supply (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 16:56:22 -0400
I am posting this for a friend who is not a member of the list.....if interested in his rig, please email him direct at rjhinton@seidata.com ................ "I have an Omni 6+ with matching power su
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00517.html (7,379 bytes)

290. Re: [TenTec] "End of an Era" (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 23:44:54 -0400
The SDR 1K, and other SDR rigs of the same ilk, will have to move the SDR concept into a more plug and play type of radio, as most hams today do not want to have to be continually downloading softwar
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00527.html (9,830 bytes)

291. [TenTec] Fw: For Sale Omni 6+ / Matching Power Supply (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 14:49:10 -0400
The Omni 6+ and Matching power supply posted below has been SOLD. I just got a phone call from Ron / Na9f telling me he has a commitment to purchase. Thanks to all who have inquired about this rig. T
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00580.html (8,255 bytes)

292. Re: [TenTec] "End of an Era" (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 14:52:43 -0400
Good Post Paul, and it sums up what we have all been trying to say but didn't know quite how to say it. Toby W4CAK the portion radio that conditions as _______________________________________________
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00604.html (11,536 bytes)

293. Re: [TenTec] Omni VI+ or Orion (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 20:56:00 -0400
Todd, I am sure you will get a lot of responses to your question. If you are a cw operator then you will be happy with the Omni 6+ as it is an excellent cw rig. However, the Orion is much better on S
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00616.html (10,023 bytes)

294. Re: [TenTec] Orion no Tx, no main Rx (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 18:54:42 -0400
One sure way to crash the rig while using 1.375b3 or b5 is by using the sweep when on cw mode. Just have the sweep turned on and turn the BW encoder at random back and forth and the receiver will cra
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00752.html (10,342 bytes)

295. Re: [TenTec] [Orion] Diff between 1.372 and 1.373b5 (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 23:21:15 -0400
1.371.b1 through 1.373b3 essentially took care of two obvious problems when on cw using version 1.372, but created another problem. In version 1.372 on cw there were noise bursts which would occur wh
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00791.html (11,245 bytes)

296. Re: [TenTec] [Orion] Diff between 1.372 and 1.373b5 (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 23:27:45 -0400
One other advantage if you are using the N4PY control program is that 1.373b3 dramatically improved the performance of the RF gain control in Carl's control program. Up to this point you had to set t
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00792.html (12,344 bytes)

297. Re: [TenTec] [Orion] V1.373b5 (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 08:49:55 -0400
Barry, I suggested this some time back, and also suggested they make the sweep to work like the one of the jupiter where it takes a snapshot picture of the band. This would also free up memory and pr
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-08/msg00794.html (10,287 bytes)

298. Re: [TenTec] Blue screen of death Orion 1 (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 08:24:54 -0400
Hold user 2 down while powering up the rig and reinstall the firmware. Toby W4CAK (clicking reset went tried _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list TenTec@contesting.com
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00173.html (8,209 bytes)

299. Re: [TenTec] Blue screen of death Orion 1 (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 13:30:17 -0400
To do a master reset you push in on the main TX/RX button while powering up and continue to hold the TX/RX button until the main display indicates the master reset is complete. You did the ram reset
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00184.html (10,678 bytes)

300. [TenTec] Hamfest (score: 1)
Author: "Toby Pennington" <toby423@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 18:32:25 -0400
I would like to thank the kind folks at Ten Tec for opening their doors again this year for the annual Hamfest. The flea market was bigger than ever.....got to see some old friends and meet some new
/archives//html/TenTec/2006-09/msg00672.html (7,284 bytes)

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