With "73", I'm not sure the month matters! ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's for people. And it's just smart. http://www.peoplepc.com ___________________________________
Cablexperts does. http://www.cablexperts.com/cfdocs/cat.cfm?ItemGroup=15&itmsub=0&bskt=0&c=0 ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's for people. And it's just smart. http://ww
A quick check of the Links database on www.eHam.net yields http://www.rotorservice.com/ GL, Mike N2MG ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's for people. And it's just smart.
It's in the chapter called "Antenna Supports" in the 18th edition of "The ARRL Antenna Book" in front of me. It's doesn't seem to be in the ARRL Handbook that I have here. 73 Mike N2MG ______________
http://ethics.tamu.edu/ethics/tvtower/tv3.htm has some stills and video. Mike N2MG ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's for people. And it's just smart. http://www.peoplepc
There's no "limit", per se, but 200 feet is an important boundary. Above 200 feet, or above an imaginary line (picture it as a sort of glide slope) that extends from an airport at zero-feet elevation
What if there's no hill nearby, or the hill has no electricity, etc.? What's on the 300-ft tower you mention? 73 Mike N2MG ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's for people.
This engineer kinda likes it in the box. Science resides in there. Mike N2MG ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's for people. And it's just smart. http://www.peoplepc.com L
Anyone interested should try emailing Hi-Res Communications hires@rust.net The website doesn't have any info on the video, BTW): http://www.rust.net/%7Ehires/index.htm Tapes were still available for
When results are unbelievable, the experiment is likely bad. Most assuredly your s-meter is NOT 6dB per S-unit. More likely around 3dB. And not "linear" (oxymoron) either, being probably less than 3d
The standing WAVE might be envisioned this way. The standing wave RATIO is not a wave. It has no pattern. It's just a number. Mike N2MG ________________________________________________ PeoplePC: It's
This is a mistatement. Sure there are "system level" techniques to render a probe or other complex device capable of operating after some cosmic radiation damage, but there are definitely technologie
This is obvious. Your statement: "The sensitivity of an IC to it's environment, depends on SYSTEM design and not on the IC itself" is incorrect. Both "system" and "IC" desing need to be taken into ac
Not sure of the arrangement you are proposing... If you are attempting to co-locate two of these near each other, and tie all the guys to the pair, I don't think that you'd get much of an improvement
I'm looking to purchase 500 feet of 7/16" or 1/2" rope to use with a ginpole (for the obvious purposes). Home Depot for example can sell me a 300-foot length but that's it. I'll buy two if I have to.
I have a (hopefully temporary) 80m inverted vee cut for CW. I simply fold the antenna back on itself for the final few feet for SSB operation. No need to disconnect anything, so no corrosion or conne
You will, however, make your coax "hot" (or "hotter) making the use of a choke/balun even more important. The ARRL Antenna Book has some words to say about "Off Center Fed" dipoles. Mike N2MG _______
It may not be a typo at all, but an unforgivable mistake. It is NEVER a good idea to publish technical information with values like ".4". It should always be written with a leading zero as in "0.4".
The beauty of including the leading zero is that even if the decimal is faded (which is what I suspect happened in the Hygain manual) either from being very light at print time or simply from age, on
A length of half-inch pipe (I've used plastic) is also a great "shuttle" for cleaning the mud and hornets nests out of tower legs. Since ten-foot pieces are so common, but just a tad short for the jo