Talking about K2GL. I dont think I´ve seen many pictures at all from that station and somehow or another I missed to visit back in the 70:ties when I did a few spins around the US. Any pictures
Thanks Bob! That video would be nice to see, maybe someone has converted it to DivX or something that can be played on a DVD. Just Googled this page:
Please explain. Or if anyone can point to any research on the mattere. IMO this is an old wifestail. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ To
Yeah get a SteppIR and it will work wounders no matter the height. It reminds me of the old Gotham ads from the 60:ties, jeez fellows time to get real. _______________________________________________
Why? In the first place on HF trees will hardly do any inpact at all. Also there has been a few studies on Yagis vs Quads, remember one by K6YNB (now N6NB), as far as I remember it could never be pro
Nice tower. Talking about one cable, myself I have a home made steel tubular rotating crank up tower and it goes up and down with just one cable, itīs not too difficult to do. This tower is 80 ft hig
I think Iīve seen the same. I used to have a base loaded 95 ft vertical. Last year I changed it to 95 ft top loaded, 3 top loading wires spaced evenly. Resonance ended up around 1750 kHz. I tune it w
This was news to me. What did the Finns do? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list http://list
Oh I see, never heard of it. Did some Google but to me it looks like a Russian Yagi. Who in Finland makes it? _______________________________________________ _________________________________________
Yes looks like Italy has 20% sales tax. Export price should then be about 16.6% lower. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailin
I must say i feel sorry for you guys over there. Instead of plastic owl I use the "real thing". I never have an
I give up Pete, you got me outnumbered. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list
Sorry about that but itīs spam and I canīt do anything about it. My photopage is on a Linux server at a friends place and somehow the spam gets in to it. _____________________________________________
Well Iīm not sure itīs bigger but that sure is a mean looking owl. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list TowerTalk@con
Brand new pictures from OH8X Radio Arcala Merry Christmas / Jim SM2EKM _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Towe
I would stay away from those old WW2 caps. I have almost the same kind of antenna. 95 ft vertical, 4 top loading wires, resonant at approx 1725 kHz. Series cap is a 500 pF fixed vac cap paralleled wi
Might have been bad luck but I have had some bad ones, sure I still have some in use and they are ok but these days if I can I just try to stay away from them. _______________________________________
As I remember it it was Jim W2PV. 73 Jim SM2EKM _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ TowerTalk mailing list http://