OK, the link was too huge. Try this: http://www.cfcn.ca/ and click on: "Laura Hayes reports" under the Lights out for thousands of Calgarians report. _______________________________________________ S
Then there is absolutely no way that you or any part of your antenna system can hit the line. I have friends who have touched the lines. Loss of legs, arms, hands, lives. You really, really don't wa
How about a small crank up tower on a boat trailer? This is what CARA (the local club) uses. Here is a link to see a few pictures of it in action: http://www.cara.ampr.org/newpage1.htm This is comple
Hello All: I am thinking of building a double bazooka antenna for 160. I am wondering what effect if any using RG-59 rather than RG-58 would have. I am on a lot of major construction sites that use R
Well, thanks for all the answers to my query!! Let's see: !!?? I was under the impression that a double bazooka would have a wider band width. I have used the RG-59 that is spec'ed out by the local c
I resemble that remark! ;-) Peter VE6YC _______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call
Check out this e-bay add for a good picture. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=42337&item=3847911672&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW Peter
Why not build your self a 2 element beam pointed straight up? string it between your towers with the reflector at about 15 feet up and the driven element at about 65 to 75 feet up? All you would hav
Hi All: I just came across a TH-7 and a TH-3. I might be replacing my current TH-3 with the TH-7, and then will have two TH-3s on the ground. Has any one tried to convert an old TH-3 to a 12/17 meter
That is one big sunspot group check out: http://www.spaceweather.com This is the same sun spot that blasted us about 27 days ago. Peter VE6YC _______________________________________________ See: http
_______________________________________________ See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any quest
Does any one know of a web site that has Ham radio bead and breakfast sites? I would like to do a little ham radio while on holidays this year. Please reply direct. Peter VE6YC ______________________
I don't know if these pictures will pass the filter, but some cool shots from VE6AO... If they don't and any one wants to see them, e-mail me off the group. Peter Subject: View from Top of 100ft Towe
Check out this little YouTube vid. Cool antenna, gotta get me one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC_EeWSKJII VE6YC _______________________________________________ ___________________________________
You are right about this. You should see the guys who do this out of a bucket truck. Or the guys who leap out of the chopper onto the top of the towers to do the maintenance. I saw that sort of thin
The Power Lineman trade is rated as the third most dangerest job. Behind Astronaut and under water welder. There is a hefty premium attached to every life insurance policy for these trades men. Chee
In my opinion, you should keep any tower/antenna at least twice the height of the antenna from any power line. So, for my 72 foot tower with a 12 foot mast and a ringo ranger 2 at the top, I need to
OK, I can understand this, although from seeing things I wish I never had, I would be very cautious encroaching on the 2x rule. Here in Canada we have an OHSA rule that states you must keep all men
"The magnetogram shows it has reverse magnetic polarity compared to what a Cycle 24 normally would have." Wouldn't this mean that it is a left over sun spot from Cycle 23? Or do you think it may be o
Down state side you guys have the 811 "Call before you dig" number. There is no excuse not to call for a locate before you dig. Simply call two or three days before you dig to get your marks. In some