How old is the backup battery in each of the respective Orions? That might be a good next step to try, even if the battery is not that old, ... still cheaper than a trip to TT ... (Other ideas might
Hi Carl, For the 565 platform, I agree that is worthy of consideration. For the 566 platform, I thought (perhaps incorrectly) there was a pin design change so help reduce that from repeating? So yes,
Exactly correct Barry, and NO ONE is forced into using the"assisted" catagory either. So simply get on the bands, be the best very op you can be, and enjoy the time doing so, despite some of the semi
The Orion platform for a short time had everyone's attention, from DXers like ON4UN to being used by many serious contest stations ... sadly most due to what Duane noted below ... have since moved on
Well stated Al, so let's hear what TT has that is even better! There are no perfect radios, TT or otherwise, but there will be newer radios, and hopefully better radios in the future. Considering the
Totally agree Barry as I stated too, yet it has known limitations. BTW Gary, I made plenty of contest QSOs and worked many countries with my Heathkit SB-102 despite it not being a 'contest quality' r
QSL Kim, I have seen the same thing here over and over again. Did I mention there are "No perfect radios"? hihi Thankfully the recovery is quick and simple. 73 de Billy, AA4NU -- Original Message --
Excellent work Barry, Thanks for the follow-up on this! Perhaps the 8 dB audio difference could be addressed in a future firmware update ... (For your notes John Henry?) MC es HNY to all! 73 de Billy
Hi Dave, and Merry Christmas! "XD" is working fine here and has for some time. 73 es HNY de Billy, AA4NU I recently acquired an Orion II that is running firmware version 3.033xa. I am learning to lov
Ditto for a laptop (or desktop) that comes with a floppy as standard anymore ... More shooting from the hip there OM? B-) (Might be good to slow down a bit ...) HNY to all, es 73 de Billy, AA4NU Rick
Bob, What icons/indicators are you showing as active on the main screen concerning the lack of sub-audio? The AUDIO button, at the top and just to the right of the main screen has several options to
Hi Bob, Find U1, the 7815 regulator and see if you can monitor the voltages coming out of it? A friend's 9420 had some odd problems at one time, and with help of those on here, I was able to track it
Agree on both points Ray ... John Henry did an excellent job given the restraints, and the odds of seeing the next rev of firmware for the Orion II make it out of beta is slim now. On the other hand,
Just to echo Stuart on this, as in learning this lesson the hard way ... "Insurance coverage could be CANCELED if the wiring is not to code". That is the reality of what happened to me and for THREE
Reed my friend, we are simply going to have to agree to disagree. You have simply been very very lucky, and all you have to do is forget to do all of your steps (which I noted you have had minor dama
Just to remove one more possibility, please use/try another 12 volt supply. Perhaps the voltage, while the load should be light, is dropping over time ... Hope this helps! 73 de Billy, AA4NU ________
Hi Gary, This link may help ... 73 de Billy, AA4NU As I recall, when one purchased the Inroad wide SSB filter for the first IF, one needed to adjust the
Don, Do you have the optional RX-366 Sub receiver installed? (Not the factory standard sub-RX) That setup question is only for IF you have the optional RX-366 IIRC? If you have the stock sub-RX ... T
Good Morning All, and always glad to help Don! Even better ... your Orion is now back to running and you can return to enjoying it on the bands. 73 de Billy, AA4NU -- Original Message -- Billy, Thank
Hi Troy, Two other ideas ... 1st - there was an "add on" filter board to audio input of the O-II, yours may or may not already that inside the cabinet ... 2nd ... by "heavy RF" do you mean a loud hum