Hi all, is it possible for an operator to operate some hours from a multi-operator team (his callsign will be listed in summary sheet) and also make some qso from home with his callsign and send the
The rules state that you cannot operate from the multi-operator station with your callsign. If you go home to operate, then you're fine! 73, N5NJ -- Original Message -- From: "Guido Tedeschi" <guido.
At 06:56 PM 10/20/2003, Guido Tedeschi wrote: is it possible for an operator to operate some hours from a multi-operator team (his callsign will be listed in summary sheet) and also make some qso fro
I'm not sure that's correct. I believe you can only have your callsign on ONE Log. If you're in a M/M and listed as an operator, you can't operate (and turn in a log or be in the M/M log as a QSO). I
The YCCC implores its members operating part-time from a MM who goes home during the contest, to get on the air from home and submit a log. This has had the approval of the CQWW folks for years. 73 M
I don't have the Annotated Rules for CQWW handy, but I have had a fair amount of experience with this issue (as Scorekeeper for YCCC). An individual operator can operate from as many stations (single
Any chance the Annotated notes are (or can be made) available on online? Mike N2MG <snip> -- The world's top contesters battle it out in Finland! THE OFFICIAL FILM of WRTC 2002 now on professional DV
I received this email from Doug, of contest committee, I think that it is clear enough ;-) Thanks to Doug and to all the people that answered This thing is important, because we can introduce some ne
-- Nope, not true for ARRL contests. An operator doesn't even have to be present at the MM (or SO, or whatever) for his call to be used. Furthermore, and this is a directly from ARRL, any stations wo
Why is maintaining the "sense" of this thread so difficult? Here is what I was trying to say, in direct response to the original thread... ++++++++++++++ If N2MG operates at KC1XX M/M during 2003 CQW
Hi Ed, Mike K5NZ and I had a very interesting discussion about this earlier this year. While I believe you heard it from an ARRL member that it was allowed, this is *NOT* necessarily what the DXCC ru
There is a third case. If your call is used at Richard's station (say in a multi-op contest), you may claim DXCC credit ONLY for those stations you personally work. An entity worked by someone beside