Hello, I now have a clean sounding OMNI VII after doing a master reset. Thanks guys. Does anyone know how to invoke the 500 Hz Collins filter once it is installed and enabled? I have read the manual
Its in the menu where you turn it on and off. Near the bottom if I recall. Jerry N9AW Hello, I now have a clean sounding OMNI VII after doing a master reset. Thanks guys. Does anyone know how to invo
Go to the MENU. Scroll to the bottom. Set ENABLE 500 Hz to YES. And if you have the 300 Hz filter do the same for that one. Then at the line I-F FILTER select AUTO. 73 Bob, K4TAX Hello, I now have a
The filter automatically switches with the BW selection. Observe the display at the left where you see "IF" The selected filter is then shown to the right of this label. For this to happen, the MENU
Thank you Bob. I already did all that. And yes, it is already set to AUTIO. I simply want to know how to switch it on and off when I am operating the radio. I thought I made that clear. "Does anyone
I apologize. I must really not be smart. I still can't get it to do this. Even with DSP and trying ESP. What eexactly am I DOING when the "filter automatically switches with the BW selection" I can s
I keep telling myself it CAN'T be this hard to understand! I figured out 99% of the operation of the OMNII VII easily by reading the manual. On this point however, it is clear as mud so far... ______
The I-F FILTER line in the MENU will allow you to switch the filter of your choice manually. 73 Bob, K4TAX Thank you Bob. I already did all that. And yes, it is already set to AUTIO. I simply want to
Thank you. Yes, I read that, and tried it. However, it does not tell me how to select them and it didn't switch. What do I rotate or switch? Is there any way to customize buttons on the front panel t
There is no front panel IF Filter manual selection available. Filter selection is either automatic, thus following the DSP BW when I-F FILTER is set to AUTO. You can select the filter manually via th
Author: Clayton Brantley via TenTec <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:08:58 -0700
Bob: It sure is nice to have an expert to come to with questions. Thanks for all your work helping guys out with the right "scoop". That is one of the things that make this hobby so enjoyable. Tha
Glad to do it. Sorry that I did not accurately understand the issue on the first shot. The nice thing is that I have the radio and the manual in front of me. Plus as one of the beta test persons, I g
Thanks everyone. I do apologize for taking so long on this but it is working now and I LOVE how it operates in AUTO. I had somehow LOST the enabling of my 500 Hz filter. I swear I set it and it got u
It is an item in the MENU. On or off. Easy as pie, OM. Page 26 of the manual. -- JHR -- Does anyone know how to invoke the 500 Hz Collins filter once it is installed and enabled? I have read the manu
Hi BRY -- one idea as to why it was not set as you thought...: The MULTI knob is a very light, no friction encoder. The good news it is very EASY to turn, and that is also the bad news, it is really
Yes, I think that was definitely a factor at some point in this process. I understood all along how this was supposed to work but it was difficult to implement. Now that I have it figured out I am ve