Here's a "HEY, SCOTT" idea that occurred to me while writing my previous post in praise of the Omni VI. I'd love it if TenTec offered AM receive through a low-cost 4-6 kHz ceramic filter and diode de
Pete, What a great idea!!! 73/Carter/K8VT -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: Problems: ow
TT already makes this radio; it's called the Paragon II. 73, Mike Cizek W3MC -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative req
Shouldn't that be "TT already 'made' this readio;" 73.. John/<italic>K4WJ</italic> in Pembroke Pines, FL QTH is 26 00 51 N 80 16 16 W <italic>K8PXG</italic> from 18 Jun 59 to 11 Feb 97 <italic>K8WJ</
As John points out, the Paragon is no longer manufactured. Also, the Paragon is a general coverage rig, and uses a more traditional synthesizer scheme. It does not have the Omni V and VI's crystal m
On Tue, 24 Feb 1998 06:36:33 -0500 Carter Grabarczyk <> writes: _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use fr