- 1. [TowerTalk] not hazer (score: 1)
- Author: SGTOKIE@aol.com (SGTOKIE@aol.com)
- Date: Thu Mar 20 16:38:04 2003
- the device does in fact lower all of the way to the ground level, about 3 ft off of ground. and unlike yous where you must use a ladder to still get to the antenna or climb the tower 8 ft, this model
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2003-03/msg00261.html (6,834 bytes)
- 2. [TowerTalk] not hazer (score: 1)
- Author: joe@xyz.net (Joe - WL7M)
- Date: Thu Mar 20 17:42:41 2003
- The Hazer lowers all the way to the ground, but there are no problems with elements hitting the ground as on on a "tilt-over" in your friend's system. Just get your 8 foot ladder (actually, I use a 6
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2003-03/msg00263.html (7,663 bytes)
- 3. [TowerTalk] not hazer (score: 1)
- Author: thompson@mindspring.com (David L. Thompson)
- Date: Fri Mar 21 14:45:28 2003
- The system shown on the towerdepot web page seems to be a way to lift big beams to the top of the tower (shown on a AN 70 foot tower). You still need to be able to have someone on top to lift the bea
- /archives//html/Towertalk/2003-03/msg00273.html (7,301 bytes)
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