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References: [ +subject:/^(?:^\s*(re|sv|fwd|fw)[\[\]\d]*[:>-]+\s*)*\[Towertalk\]\s+Force\s+12\s+antennas\s+and\s+tower\s+relay\s+grounding\s*$/: 4 ]

Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. [Towertalk] Force 12 antennas and tower relay grounding (score: 1)
Author: (Henrik Weiss)
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:24:29 +0100
I am about to put up an Ameritron RCS - 8V remote 5 position coax relay switch on the tower. I will put up Force 12 antennas in the coming weeks and would like to know : Shall I ground the unused ant
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-03/msg00631.html (7,446 bytes)

2. [Towertalk] Force 12 antennas and tower relay grounding (score: 1)
Author: (Guy Olinger, K2AV)
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 21:00:14 -0500
Suggest that you get on, subscribe if you need to and pose the question. Natan reads the reflector and often answers these kinds of questions. When you have feedlines attached to
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-03/msg00644.html (9,067 bytes)

3. [Towertalk] Force 12 antennas and tower relay grounding (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 16:21:50 -0500
73, Pete N4ZR Check out the World HF Contest Station Database at
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-03/msg00696.html (8,142 bytes)

4. SV: [Towertalk] Force 12 antennas and tower relay grounding (score: 1)
Author: (Henrik Weiss)
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 08:24:16 +0100
Pete, Thats what I will do. Test the influence of the 30 / 40 on the 5BA with closed and open relays. If there are no interacton I will leave them grounded as this was the advise from Natan of Force1
/archives//html/Towertalk/2002-03/msg00780.html (8,813 bytes)

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