I think a majority of it is JT65A, but as guys discover that JT9 uses so much less frequency they will migrate to it soon. There is a lot of activity every night so come join us. I recently worked VP
It's all JT65. Notice all the CQs going unanswered. Except for the Ukraine station, those EU stations all had pretty good signals at your QTH, good enough that some of the guys in W1/W2 should have c
Thanks, Jim. Maybe I'll stick with WSPR, at least for awhile. Per the Sept. 10 thread about VK2KRR, there seems to be some 160m activity on that mode. I've enjoyed WSPR in the past, but the Linux ver
I have had many across the pond WSPR reports over the years. I'll have to give JT65 a try as well. Mike va3mw _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
Hello so how much power to use in JT65 on 160 mts for DX ? 15-25 watts in OK on high bands, but how much pwr people are using on 160 mts? thanks, Jorge -- 73, Jorge CX6VM/CW5W _________________ Topba
Hi Jorge Hi Jorge JT65 is no diferent from CW or SSB, more power is better...use no more than 50% of your amplifier power, if you have an extra fan use it on top of your amplifier.. Pedro - ct1ekd
I do not agree with you Pedro. More is not always better. Use no more than you need. JT65 allows more noise than does CW, thus one doesnt need as much power. 73 Len SM7BIC --Ursprungligt meddelande--
Author: KX4TT via Topband <topband@contesting.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 09:05:07 -0400
I've used 100 watts on 160 - by accident, as I forgot to turn down the drive - I discovered that decoding can be a real problem at high power levels. I've seen signals from a station 30 miles (50 km)
JT-65 is a QRP mode, like WSPR where I use10W. High power can ruin it for everyone else. Read the documentation. On 3/17/2017 8:36 AM, Lennart m wrote: I do not agree with you Pedro. More is not alwa
Author: Brian D G3VGZ <topband@planet3.freeuk.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 13:52:46 +0000
It is NOT a QRP mode, it is a weak signal mode, not the same thing. On 160 often a QRO mode to give a weak signal at the other end. I usually use 40w to an inefficient antenna on 160. If necessary I
While watching the waterfall for "spreading" on 160 and 80, Lee I've seen similar "results." My operating "mode"now is: 160: 25 to 30 watts set wid no ALC "ficker" 80: 30 to 50 watts set wid no 'flic
I have to disagree with some of what has been said about how much power to run using JT65. JT65 is a LOW SIGNAL mode, NOT a LOW POWER mode. We run 1500 watts into 20+ dB gain antennas on 2 meters for
I my very limited experience with digital 160, I have found that I have to run more than the usual power for such, since I am using a very poor inverted L antenna for transmit. That said, with 50 wat