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[3830] N6NB's score - June VHF contest (SOAB)

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] N6NB's score - June VHF contest (SOAB)
From: WOVERBECK@ccvax.fullerton.edu (WOVERBECK@ccvax.fullerton.edu)
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 01:20:16 -0800 (PST)

The June VHF contest score at N6NB (DM05sb, SJV section, 
single operator):

Band    QSOs    Pts     Grids

50      147     147     37
144     139     139     33
222      40      80     18
432      66     132     21
1296     17      51     10

        409     549     119

Score:  65,531 - 409 - 119 - ABCDE

Near the end, somebody said these were the worst six-meter
conditions during the June contest in 20 years.  I think
it's been more like 40 years since conditions were this bad.
Probably the weather hit a 20-year low, too (on western moun-
taintops, anyway).  With the wind, cold and all, I didn't get 
up and running until after 5 p.m. Saturday, six hours late.


Wayne, N6NB

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  • [3830] N6NB's score - June VHF contest (SOAB), WOVERBECK@ccvax.fullerton.edu <=