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[3830] VE6RAC - RAC Canada Day

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] VE6RAC - RAC Canada Day
From: ve6sv@oanet.com (Gord Kosmenko)
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 09:50:39 -0600
                                RAC SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 01-Jul-98

    Callsign Used : VE6RAC
         Operator : VE6SV,VE6EX,VE6AKY,VE6NAP,VE7TCP,VE6FN

         Category : MULTI-OP

 Default Exchange : 59 AB

             Name : Gordon R. Kosmenko
          Address : 277-52306 Rge Rd 212
   City/State/Zip : Sherwood Park, AB  T8G 1A9
          Country : Canada

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

  160CW        7           7         74       4 
  160SSB       5           5         62       4 
   80CW       28          28        286       5 
   80SSB      42          42        398       7 
   40CW       67          67        514       9 
   40SSB      87          87        840      11 
   20CW      388         388       1914      10 
   20SSB     614         614       4240      12 
   15CW      229         229       1024      10 
   15SSB     538         538       2006      11 
   10CW        3           3         14       1 
   10SSB      16          16         40       1 
    6CW        2           2         20       1 
    6SSB       6           6         44       1 
    2CW        1           1         10       1 
    2SSB      19          19        190       1 

 Totals     2052        2052      11676      89 

    Final Score = 1039164 points.

The above effort was at the station of VE6SV, which had a number
of firsts for the station in this contest.

* First time use of TRLog contest software in a live event.
  It performed very well. As a longtime user of CT (since '86)
  this old timer to do some steep learning in getting the
  program up and running, ie: networking, packet, cw software
  controls and working with the info on the screen. 
  But, that was half the fun for this contest.

* Couple of new ops were part of the team for this contest, again
  another learning curve for them to get to know the station.
  Getting the antenna switching routine was interesting, I guess
  I need to do some more "human engineering" on this, like label
  all cables and switches !

* Four complete stations up and running, another first. Two HF
  positions, 2M position and a 6M position. This also requires
  some major technical improvements to increase performance.

Local thunderstorm activity made us go QRT for a couple hours in the
late afternoon, so we drank beer ! and listened to the VE6JY gang
on 10M. 

I guess at the "end of the day" we all had a great time. The operators
of VE6RAC would like to thank all stations for giving us contest
points, with out you it would not be as fun. We also would like
to see a change to the Multi-Op class, to align itself to the other
contest class definitions. Currently, RAC Contest Multi-Op class really is
a multi-multi effort, including as many transmitters you can muster
on the same band ! We really need to "level the playing field" and have
a class alignment. It would promote participate grow and a level of
competition more achievable to more participates.

73 de VE6RAC Team


Gordon R. Kosmenko      Home 403-922-4331
ve6sv@oanet.com         Work 403-414-1266
ve6sv@rac.ca            Fax  403-414-1269

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