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[3830] W1NN NAQP CW

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] W1NN NAQP CW
From: woffutt@davinci.netaxis.com (wallace offutt)
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 12:17:40 -0400 (EDT)
W1NN Score for the August, 1998 NAQP CW 

      Q's  Mults

160   30    15
 80   68    27
 40  142    42
 20  163    44
 15  105    32
 10   33    17

Tot  541   177  =   95,757  Score


My first contest in quite some time.

20 Meters was sure open late!  It was great to have so many bands open at
the same time.  I felt like that proverbial one-armed paper hanger.

I took two 30 minute off-times in the late afternoon and my last off-time
at 0500 to get to bed at 1 AM.  I probably missed several extra mults on
160 in the last hour.  I wonder if it was a good decision.

160 seemed relatively quiet in the northeast and I had no trouble hearing
stations in FL, TX and CO (WC4E was LOUD) but they couldn't hear me. 
Guess they had more noise than we did. 

I worked WA7BNM (CA) on 10 Meters at 0030, the first and only West Coast
on that band. Too bad there wasn't anyone else there to work.  It really
pays to sweep this band at regular intervals.


Hal W1NN

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