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[3830] SAC CW S53MA/QRP- qrp all band

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] SAC CW S53MA/QRP- qrp all band
From: alenm@hermes.si (Alen Mitrovic)
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 09:40:36 +0200

                  HF Contest Summary Sheet

Callsign:  S53MA/QRP                  Total Claimed Score     5265

Contest SAC 1998 CW                     Date 19/20 Sept 1998

Mode    CW                                        QRP/ALL BAND

Band         160m     80m     40m     20m     15m     10m    Total

Valid QSOs      0        0      58           59         0       0

QSO Points      0        0      58           59       0       0

Bonus/Mult.     0         0      23           22          0       0

Rig :          NorCal's Sierra

Power o/p  1,4W

Antennas   Dipoles for 40 and 20 meters

Comments   Great contest although  I worked  for only 9 hours. My power
supply droped down to 11V,
                   so I had to face with almost 20% output loose. 
                   Thanks to everybody who listened to my "poor" sigs.

73 de Alen  / S53MA

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