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[3830] VY1A SS98P Score

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] VY1A SS98P Score
From: jallen@polarcom.com (J. Allen)
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 06:25:04 -0000


-----Original Message-----
From: J. Allen [mailto:jallen@polarcom.com]
Sent: Monday, November 23, 1998 06:23
To: 3830-request@contesting.com
Subject: VY1A SS98P Score

Hello, guys...

I have never had such an enjoyable time in an SS as I did in this one.  The
pileups contained real gents and ladies, and except for a few short periods,
the operating was pure pleasure.  I was up in the wee hours of the morning
tending a generator failure at a power plant 100 miles away.  The work cut
out the valuable first three hours of the contest.
I took time for QRPers, for talking beginners through the exchange, and even
took time to visit with the first journeyman electrician worked with as an
apprentice over 30 years ago.

Despite the delay, and taking the time for helping others, this is what

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80SSB      16          16         32       0
   40SSB     310         310        620      28
   20SSB     801         801       1602      31
   15SSB     105         104        208      20
   10SSB     228         228        456       0

 Totals     1460        1459       2918      79

    Final Score = 230522 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Super band conditions.  Polite Pileups.  Fantastic Fun... and I missed
 important first three hours in the afternoon!  Is it an SOHP YT record.

If you were one of the many hundreds of good operators in there, thanks for
your patience and help.  I may not ever be able to win the SS from YT, but
no one had more fun in an SS than I did this year.  I think I won the trophy
for the happiest operator.


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