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[3830] OK5W CQWWCW M/S

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] OK5W CQWWCW M/S
From: ok2zw@yahoo.com (Zdeno Sterbacek)
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 02:37:48 -0800 (PST)
                 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

  Call: OK5W                     Country:  Czech Republic
  Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


  160       97      145     1.49     17      69
   80      646     1218     1.89     28     102
   40     1205     2848     2.36     34     124
   20      958     2125     2.22     37     145
   15      935     2268     2.43     38     131
   10      233      594     2.55     35     117

 Totals   4074     9198     2.26    189     688  =>  8,066,646

RIG: 160m  TS-930S     1/4 vertical    OK1JKT
      80m  TS-850S     5 el. sloper    OK1 AEZ, FKD, TA, WF
      40m  TS-850S     2 el. mono      OK1 CF, DDO, JR
      20m  FT-1000MP   5 el. mono      OK1FIA, OK2ZW
      15m  TS-850S     6 el. mono      OK1 CF, DDO, JR
      10m  TS-850S     6 el. mono      OK1 AEZ, FKD, TA, WF
      HB amps, CT (network)

Support: OK1AMX, AAU and others.

                      Continent Statistics
     OK5W   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Single

                     160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW     7  236  717  426  472  122 1980    47.6
South America   CW     1    2   14   13   20   12   62     1.5
Europe          CW    71  364  392  382  278   53 1540    37.0
Asia            CW    14   42   93  116  155   25  445    10.7
Africa          CW     3    9   11   19   20   19   81     1.9
Oceania         CW     1    3   11   17   15    6   53     1.3

Nice propagations made the contest very interesting. Sometime it
was really difficult to choose the right band for pile-up and S&P,
especially in the morning and late afternoon hours when all six
bands were wide opened. First time ever we completed 5B-DXCC
during a contest.
All in all, we had a great time again as usual.
Thanks to everybody for points and hope to see You again next year
in the contests.

Zdeno, OK2ZW   mail: ok2zw@qsl.net     http://www.qsl.net/ok2zw

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
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