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[3830] W7WHY ARRL 10 METER Contest

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] W7WHY ARRL 10 METER Contest
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 04:52:08 -0800

 Call: W7WHY
 Category: Single Operator Low Power
 Time On:  22 Hours 
 MODE   Contacts  Points  States    Countries
 CW       619     2488     55           25
 SSB      323      646     44           15
Totals    942     3134     99            40 = 435,626 points
Equipment:  Ft-840, TH-3 at 35 feet
 Boy, was that fun or what??  This is the perfect contest.  Work
 it all day and sleep all night.  I set a goal for 800 contacts
 and passed that about 2100Z Sunday. I got the  TH-3 up a couple
 of hours before the contest and had problems with it all
 weekend.  The SWR kept changing on it.  I had to crank the tower
 down twice and work on it. I thought I had it fixed Saturday as
it  was working good, and then I got up Sunday morning and the
thing was  resonant at 26.6 mhz.  Down the tower came again for
another fix.  I  ran it through the tuner whenever I got about
 High point of the contest was working K5WHY at 2306z on
Saturday,   then KB0WHY at 2309z.  First time to work another
WHY.   This is one  contest where I can finally keep  a frequency
and get a run going.    Kept the same frequency for over 5 hour
Saturday. Thanks for all the  contacts and I hope everyone has a
very Merry Christmas.
 Tom W7WHY

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