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[3830] K1PX CQ160 SOLP results

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K1PX CQ160 SOLP results
From: K1PX@aol.com (K1PX@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 17:41:48 EST
Hello Topbanders:

QSO's           Points          W/VE            DX              Total

704                     1,847           56                      26              

Operating time:         31 hours.

Station:                TS-930S, NA V10.35 with IBM compatible 586
                        and a big coffee pot.

Antennas:       NOL Toploaded vertical at 80' with elevated radials
                        at 10'.
                        Inv. Vee at 100'.
                        Beverages: 880' E-W, 580' NE.
                        Full wave RX loop at 8'.

Comments:       It was really interesting how the band suddenly opened
up for about an hour around 0300Z Sunday morning. Scooped up as
much DX as possible. Thanks to all of you for the QSO's.

73, Jim, K1PX   

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