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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] LT1F (LU5CW op) ARRL DX CW SOABHP
From: lu5cw@geocities.com (LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg)
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 20:51:11 -0300
                  ARRL DX SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign Used : LT1F
         Operator : LU5CW

         Category : Single Operator All Bands HP

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80CW       32          32         96      14  1/4 wave vert
   40CW      417         413       1239      49  3l @40m
   20CW      961         945       2832      57  4/4 @15/30m
   15CW      873         851       2547      55  6/6 @15/30m
   10CW     1613        1551       4653      60  6l @24m

 Totals     3896        3792      11367     235

    Final Score = 2671245 points.

IC775DSP + L4B

The best start ever in a contest (225, 222 and 220 hours) became my worst
contest. Those good cndx between USA and EU hurted my score a lot. Wasn´t
able to break thru EU QRM on 10 and 15. Band filled with EUs working Ws from
.000 to over .200 on 10 and up to .150 on 15. This is reflected in the fact
that I was beaten by several EUs (should think of moving to DL for this one
Besides low bands were in poor shape down here. First night on 80 nobody
seemed to hear me and the second night 20 over 9 of QRN. 160 was terrible 0
1 mill points less than last year. Besides 35 degress celcius both days +
linear = thought I was in Africa. It was  HOT!
Lost the stack on 10 so only 1 ant at the time (actually used only upper).

Turn off that sun!!!! Man I miss 1995...

Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (ex LU2BRG & LU6BEG)
< mailto:lu5cw@geocities.com>
LU5CW homepage < http://pagina.de/lu5cw>
LT1F homepage: <http://badpower.com.ar>

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  • [3830] LT1F (LU5CW op) ARRL DX CW SOABHP, LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg <=