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[3830] N6MU TQP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] N6MU TQP
From: N6MU1@aol.com (N6MU1@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 01:03:19 EDT
                      1999 TEXAS QSO PARTY SUMMARY SHEET

    Callsign Used : N6MU (@N6NB)
         Operator : N6MU

         Category : Single Operator

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Mobiles 

   40CW       11          11         33       0      8 (0)
   40SSB       7           7         14       0      5 (0)
   20CW       72          72        216      30     65 (600)
   20SSB     224         224        448      97    156 (1500)
   15CW       53          53        159       4     45 (400)
   15SSB     100         100        200      23     66 (600)
   10CW        6           6         18       0      3 (0)
   10SSB       3           3          6       0      0 (0)

 Totals      476         476       1094     154    348 (3100)

    Final Score = 168476 + 3100 Bonus Points = 171576 Points

What a blast! I counted 18 active mobiles running around. Trying to keep up 
with them all was quite a challenge. Conditions on 20 were poor Saturday but
improved greatly Sunday. As usual, Norm, W3DYA, was my main man with 77 cw Qs.
Thanks to TDXS for another good one! 73...

John, N6MU  

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  • [3830] N6MU TQP, N6MU1@aol.com <=