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[3830] WL7KY SSB Sprint

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] WL7KY SSB Sprint
From: kl7fh@customcpu.com (Chris Hurlbut)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 11:56:46 -0800
                 1    80m QSOs
                24    40m QSOs
               118    20m QSOs
              143 QSO points
x            34 Multipliers
=            4862 Claimed score

Name used:  Dan
State:  AK
Team:  Team Hurl (or, Hurlbut's Hurlers, same thing)

What a hard contest!  I spent the first hour screaming my head off.  Nobody
could hear me.  Then the guys I was screaming at (who were cqing in my
face) called me when I went high and cq'd.  So I just kept cqing around and
working a few, but I was loosing my voice fast!  I must say, that having
this during WAE sure screwed me up.  20 was great to EU at the start, and
nobody was on for the sprint.  I think they were all on 40?  Anyway, I hope
having the AK mult helped out the west coast boys, as I didn't work many
east coast because I was always getting beaten out, and when it did open,
they were all on 40 or 80.  It also seemed to me that there was not as much
activity as in the CW one.  Anyone else see that?  Kind of off topic...
late at night I worked some WAE on 15m.  It had to be one of the biggest EU
piles I have ever had.  I couldn't pick out a call, there were just too
many.  10m was great to AF, with 5H3RK, 9J2A, ZS6EZ, E41/OK1DTP (asia
though) all heard, and good sigs, and worked CN8WW who was s9, and kind of
amazed to work AK :)  Never did hear EU on 10, but it can't be far behind!
That was all about 1-3am if anyone is wondering.

I made a list of the few calls that NEVER heard me around the whole first
hour.  They were all loud, but I guess I was off the side or back of the
beams a bit much for them to hear me.  Then they would call me when I
cq'd... really strange.  I managed to work them all though: K9BGL (who had
2 extra stars on him) KE9I, K9JF, K6LA, and W8WWV.  I couldn't figure out
why those 5 guys couldn't hear me, oh well.  
It was nice to have 80m open, but it was one way.  I heard about 15 states,
but only worked VA7RR, and just barely.  Not too bad for there still being
an hour of sun left in the day.  
Sorry if I confused anyone with my new name.  So far I am Chris, Mike, and
Dan.  Many people think that "Dan in AK" is KL7Y.  WL7KY is close to KL7Y,
but not quite guys :)
I hope to put those name databases out of commission :)
Someday I will do this contest from the states, and actually post a decent
See you in CQP!
-Chris WL7KY  (cw contests are much better than ssb contests)

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