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To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] CQWW SSB N4UK SOHP 10M
From: KRAMIREZ at tritonpcs.com (Kenneth Ramirez)
Date: Mon Nov 1 15:21:59 1999

>              1999 CQWW SSB SOHP 10M
> QSOS     Zones     Countries   Score
> 2645        36            148         1.42 Meg
> Observations-
> Conditions were outstanding!     I hardly spent any time looking for mults
> which hurt my score.
> I was able to run Europe and Japan most of the time and the band was so
> crowded that I was
> unwilling to give up a good run frequency to chase a new one.  The best DX
> worked was KH7R 
> who called me at 1320 Zulu! This is my first ever 10m Long Path qso with
> Hawaii! It was fun to 
> still be able to have European stations calling me at 4- 5PM local time. 
> Zones missed were 26,19, 23 and 40. Most exciting period was 1200-1500z
> on Saturday with
> three consecutive 200 qso hours. Thanks to all the rare DX stations who
> called me. (VU,S79,VQ9
> V6,FR5,JD1,BV,7P8,J2 to name a few) Wish a zone 26 would have called for
> my last 10m zone all-time!
> Congrats to W4ZV for a great score and knowing the right mix of running
> and searching.
> I learned my lesson. Running ain't everything! 73 Ken, N4UK Gray Court, SC

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