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[3830] Fw: K0XM NAQP SSB Contest results

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] Fw: K0XM NAQP SSB Contest results
From: k0xm@kc.rr.com (Chuck Kraly)
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 23:59:39 -0600
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Kraly" <k0xm@kc.rr.com>
To: "KCDXC Reflector" <kcdxc@qth.net>; "Jerry Fisher" <nx0i@aol.com>
Sent: January 15, 2000 11:49 PM
Subject: K0XM NAQP SSB Contest results

> Well here is the "hurry up and get a station together" results. Soapbox to
> follow.
>                     Sponsored by the National Contest Journal
>      date (UTC): 01/15/2000        call: K0XM                 QTH: KS
>      mode: SSB                 category:  Single Operator
>      Operator Callsign: K0XM
>                   Name: Chuck Kraly
>                Address: 2757 South 46
>         City/State/Zip: Kansas City, KS 66106
>      Pre-registered Team: YES - Kansas City DX Club
>      Hours of operation: 07:25
>      band        QSOs       mults
>      ____________________________
>      160           22         13
>       80           47         22
>       40           70         27
>       20           66         30
>       15           79         24
>       10            2          2
>      ____________________________
>      total:       286        118     claimed score: 33,748
> Started 2.5 hours late, and on 10 mtrs to begin. Band had shut down by
> for the vertical. Switched to 15, and things looked up. After a while,
> to 20 and local noise killed me.  Managed to get some q's going, but not
> much. 15 looked like it was going to be workhorse. After sunset, switched
> 40 and was really surprised. Noise wasn't too bad, and things we going
> After a few requests to move to 75, went there. Man, did the noise kill
> also bad on 160. All in all, not a bad showing for 100 watts into a
> vertical. Will have tribander up next week, hopefully before XZ0A
> disappears.
> Chuck

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