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[3830] CQ 160 SSB - N6RO, SOHP

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] CQ 160 SSB - N6RO, SOHP
From: kenkeeler@jazznut.com (ken keeler)
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 17:23:47 -0800
  CQ 160 SUMMARY SHEET  Contest Dates : 26-Feb-00, 27-Feb-00

Callsign Used : N6RO    Operator : N6RO

Category : SOHP Default Exchange : 59CA

                   Team/Club : NCCC

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Countries   

  160SSB     466         464       1076      54        11 

 Totals      466         464       1076      54        11 

    Final Score = 69940 points.

Stuff: FT1000mp, Alpha 76, 4 Square, 3 beverages, TRLog, DVP

Soap:  Fair activity and propagation.  Picked off needed mults as the
terminator came across the northeast.  First sweep of W1 in many moons on 160,
but no DE or DC.  Only Pacific worked was ZL2SQ.

Woes:  Power line noise to the NE, caused grief most of the weekend,
Sat. nite, when aggravated by wind and rain.  Some precip. noise during heavy
showers.  Shut down several times, until it finally got nearly quiet about
09Z.  Sorry to be such an alligator.  N6RO

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