As an "expert" i decided to start on 15 and 20 meters. Very quickly
realized that 0200 on Friday was too late for 16 and switched to 40. Still
nothing on the second radio. @0 meters was somewhat slow with 38, 40, and
20 Q's per hour. Decided to take my first break earlier than my strategic
plan and took my first break at 0500. This is 2 hours earlier than I
normally do.
Got back on the air at 0900 and found 20 alive and well. At 1000 15
started to open up to Eastern Europe. Worked HA7UG LX8DL and UR5FFC in very
quickly. I should note that for 15 meters I am using a homebrew 4 element
Yagi at 38 feet. It is hanging from the top of the tower and fixed pointed
to Europe. By 1200 worked my first JA and at 1230 my first BV both on 15.
Took a breakfast break at 1300 and got back on at 1430 operating on
10 and
15 meters. Operated until 1730 and took a second 1.5 hour break. I know
these did not count as per the BARTG rules but I was tired. By this time I
had Q number 448 in the log.
At 2030 left 10 for 20 meters with my last Q being VK4UC. The last 3
showing rates of 40, 50, and 60 per hour.
After leaving 10 my rate dropped off sharply to 30 and 16 per hour.
for a full three hour official break.
From that point on it was tough, rates for the next 3 hours were 20,
25 per. So took another break.
Started again at 0800 hoping for conditions like Saturday. No such
Kept struggling. Where were THE HAMS ON 40 AND 80 METERS??
Took my last sleep and breakfast break at 1200, with 823 Q's in the
got back on at 1600 until 2125 when I quit for the weekend. 1053 Q's worked
but only 1026 unique.
In summary: Stations were much closer to being on frequency than in
CQWW RTTY and the RTTY Roundup. Only about 6 were operating upside down.
Much better! In each case spent some time to explain what was happening.
For this station, condx on 40 and 80 were poor. Might be my antennas? These
are: a 2 element wire for 40 and a Delta loop for 80. High power QRM from
other digital modes was plentiful. Even the region between 14080 and
14082.5 had very high power MSK16 signals. Noticed that they were not
copying each other at all. Probably due to using wide filters and AFSK.
In all had a good time as always. CUAGN in the next BARTG
73 de NO2T Jerry ... -.-
SCORE: 1,554,404
80M 25 9 8 0
40M 85 20 13 1
20M 352 58 19 5
15M 328 52 15 0
10M 236 53 12 1
Total 1026 192 67 6 (counted only once)
Radios: Kenwood TS-940, and ICOM IC-781
Amplifiers: Heathkit SB-1000, ALPHA-77D
Antennas: 10,20 meters KLM KT34XA @ 60ft, 15 meter 4 el Homebrew @ 38ft,
40 meter 2 el wire beam @55 feet, 80 meter Delta loop
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