North American QSO Party, CW
Call: VE1OP
Operator(s): VE1OP
Station: VE1OP
Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5
Band QSOs Mults
160: 8 7
80: 52 28
40: 115 40
20: 206 48
15: 240 43
10: 248 42
Total: 869 208 Total Score = 180,752
Was shooting for 1000 QSO's, 200 mults and 200,000 points...1 out of 3 "ain't
bad" as they say...80 metres was wide open to the States here so that helped the
mult count...10 and 15 were great as well at the start of the contest, spent the
first hour and a half on 10 and then the second hour and a half on 15 with some
productive runs...Then switched to 20 where the noise was horrible and it was
difficult to sustain a good run with the noise here...Took 3 hours (vs the
planned 1 1/2) to get the QSO's and mults I wanted from that band before it went
dead...That in turn stole time from my planned 40 metre time...Spent most of the
remaining 3 1/2 hours S&P'ing on 40, 80 and 160 as my low band antennas are not
what they should be to effectively run with low power...Worked out well with 75
mults and 175 QSO's on those three bands...80 metres opened nicely here for the
last hour of the contest, so that helped a lot...
Canadian activity seemed to be down...Didn't hear any AB, NB, NL or PE stations,
which is rare...Only got one NS mult (20 m) which may explain the high rates
during my high band runs...The pile-ups on 10, 15 and 20 were amazing sometimes
and even with the filtering in place,it was difficult to pick out a prefix or
last couple letters of calls, therefore many rate busting pauses until somebody
came back that I could copy...Finally put the RIT to the edge of my filtering to
get the "off frequency" callers until things quieted down a bit, but that only
worked for a few minutes until everyone figured out what I was doing!! Then
there was the moron who insisted on repeating everything I sent for 10 minutes
just to completely confuse everyone...Finally had to give up and move, wasn't
worth the battle...
Only having 10 hours is a great way to force a fella to budget time/band...It's
sometimes difficult to change bands when you know that those last couple of easy
mults will eventually call...I missed several on each of 10 and 15, but didn't
want to limit my time on the low bands, where I knew many mults were
waiting...Took a swing through 20 metres every half hour and managed to pick up
a few more there...
Most popular "name", BILL...K4OJ's CHUCKIE threw me a bit the first time, and
couldn't wrap my brain around BO KY for minute (kept thinking BOKY is a strange
name....) Then I woke up...
All in all a success for me...217 more qso's, 24 more mults and approx 60,000
more points over last year...Next year I will have a real 160 m antenna and a
better 80 m antenna which will help in the last couple hours and get me over the
200,000 point mark...
Equipment: Yaesu FT1000MP, tri band yagi and 2 wires...Used N1MM logger which
was flawless...No Telnet and no amp CAN be lots of fun...
Thanks for all the Q's and will C U in the next one...
73, Scott VE1OP
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