2007 NA Sprint RTTY - 3830 Claimed Scores 12Mar2007
NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest
sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector
via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.
Submit logs by: Mar 17, 2007
Upload logs at: http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintlogsubmit.php
Mail logs to:
Ed Muns, W0YK
P.O. Box 1877
Los Gatos, CA 95031-1877
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/
73 dink
Call QSOs Mults hr Score Club/Team
Single Op HP
W0YK 359 34 4 12,924 NCCC #1
AD4EB 291 37 4 10,767 TCG
W6YX(N6DE) 288 32 4 9,216 NCCC #1
K6LL 261 31 4 8,091 SWACC
K5AM 249 32 4 7,968 SWACC
K0UK 187 33 4hrs 6,171 Grand Mesa
K7WM 200 30 4 6,000 SWACC
WW4LL 172 31 4.0 5,332 SWACC
K6RB 193 26 3:46 5,018 NCCC #1
K6TD 186 25 4 4,650 NCCC
K9SEX(K5NZ) 154 30 2.5 4,620 CTDXCC
W4NZ 150 26 3.5 3,900 TCG
N6CK 160 22 4 3,520 NCCC #1
K4RO 131 24 2.5 3,144 TCG
W4RK 114 27 3.5 3,078 TCG
K0JJR 117 23 4.0 2,691 MWA
KT0R 96 26 2.5~ 2,496 MWA
WV0T 125 15 4 1,875 Dog Hollow Contest G
W7WHY 96 19 2.07 1,824
KD5J 44 25 3 1,100
KH6GMP 36 12 2 432
Call QSOs Mults hr Score Club/Team
Single Op LP
K6UFO 202 30 4 6,464 NCCC #1
KE5OG 194 33 3.8 6,402
N1MGO 158 32 4 5,056 MARA Dabblers
VE3ESH 141 28 4 4,089 CCO
VE4EAR 136 29 4 3,944
K0RFD 130 27 4 3,510 Grand Mesa
W1BYH 114 27 3,078 MARA Dabblers
W6OAT 100 26 1:53 2,600 NCCC #2
NP3D/NY2(EW1AR) 96 26 3:56 2,496 YCCC
AK9F 94 25 3 2,350 SMC
K0RC 110 21 3 2,310 MWA
WA0RSX 93 23 2.50 2,139 Grand Mesa
WA6BOB 83 25 2:50 2,075 SCCC #1
K6GEP 70 18 3.7 1,260 SCCC #1
AE6RF 80 13 4 1,040 NCCC #1
K2PAL 47 15 3:48 705 YCCC
K2DB 29 13 3.1 377 Rochester (NY) DX As
W6RK 6 2 10 mi 12 NCCC #2
Call QSOs Mults hr Score Club/Team
Single Op QRP
AH8DX/W7 83 27 4.0 1,537
MARA Dabblers:
N1MGO 5,056
W1BYH 3,078
Team Total: 8,134
NCCC #1:
W0YK 12,924
W6YX(N6DE) 9,216
K6UFO 6,464
K6RB 5,018
N6CK 3,520
AE6RF 1,040
Team Total: 38,182
NCCC #2:
W6OAT 2,600
W6RK 12
Team Total: 2,612
SCCC #1:
WA6BOB 2,075
K6GEP 1,260
Team Total: 3,335
AK9F 2,350
Team Total: 2,350
K6LL 8,091
K5AM 7,968
K7WM 6,000
WW4LL 5,332
Team Total: 27,391
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